Because you live~

Is it hard not to make the same mistake again?

Does it take a lifetime to figure out a reason to live, a reason that we were born?

Can you considered it as living if you're doing it just to fulfill other people's expectations?

Is it so hard to keep on living as you face a lot of obstacles in your path?

Why were you born to face all these?

LOL. I'm nowhere near depressed. Though honestly, like seriously, I usually wrote/ think about this kind of things when I'm stressed. ^_^

Recently, I saw something that makes me think about how wonderful it is to be born. Again?! Yes, again. Because a lot of people seems to be searching for it, yet more people don't even give this kind of thing a single thought and just live their life simply that way.
I'm saying that living with a purpose is better even if you have to sacrifice a lot of things for it. Why? Because I don't want to be an empty shell, soul-less person who did everything like a robot.

I believe that finding a reason as to why we're born will take a lifetime. You'll find it when you're inches away from death. Do you know why? Because the reason is your life's summary. There's no way you can do a summary for something that haven't done yet. And at that time, you'll find out if you have fulfill the reason to be born. If you're going to regret it later, better find something to do now~


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