Just when I thought....

I'm going to cry. I thought I won't ever cross your path again. I thought you'll only be a history, a memory. But no, I was wrong. You come back and hurt me, without knowing it. Nobody knows, truthfully. But I can't help from reliving those times. It was a long time ago, I thought I was over it. I thought by drowning myself in Jpop fandoms will make me forget. I thought that by obsessing myself over Yuto, I'll forget that. I thought that, if I'm close with another guy, I won't remember anymore. I never know I'm this weak when it comes to things like this *sigh*

Just when I thought I was strong enough, I was proved wrong. I even cried. I even got into funny mood swings. I... I'm lost. I don't know what else to do. I can't help myself, like how I used to do everytime I'm in trouble. I'm crying now. I'm no longer coherent


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