
I'm in my hostel room. I'm in my second month of my second semester here. And since I got a room, the management organised a lot of activities and events that they can think of. And if I want to get a room for next semester, I have to go to these events. My assignments are piling, we have replacement classes every other day because of the coming Eid celebration. I have more than five of unfinished articles, (if it is fit to be called such, that is) and there are even days I can't switch on my laptop. Getting an internet connection is another thing.

In other words, I still want to write, but I can't find time to think and write in full. I'm still a student, so study comes first. But whenever I managed to write something, it will be left hanging because I can only spare ten minutes to write and think, and I usually took half an hour to an hour to finish one stuff, if my brain can think of something fast enough. I will continue to write, writing is the only thing left with me if you want to take everything that I have. ^^


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