Sakurai Sho.
I don't care if it's about the Japanese stuff that I love.
I was watching Himitsu no Arashi-chan aired on March 29, 2012. And there's some sort of a visit to a school in Tokyo, and at the end of it, the students are allowed to ask Sho-chan questions.
When asked about how to be cool by a 17 year old boy, he answered,
Rather than compensating something which you lack, well, the talent, or rather, I think it's the diligence which you possess, if you were to develop that, wouldn't you be cool?足りないとこを補うっていうよりも、今持っている才能というか、努力だと思うけど、それを伸ばしていくって事でカッコよくなれるんじゃないかな。
And a girl was asking Arashi's secret of friendship, this is part of Sho-chan's answer,
I think it's the level at which we've set our discretion and tolerance, probably. I feel that in everything, it's rather nonsensical to immediately get into a conflict because I felt irritated or angry. Just tolerate it for a time, but if you tolerate everything, you wouldn't be able to communicate that person's faults to him. That's why, things that should be said must be communicated. So set the levels of your discretion and tolerance precisely, and mark th distances respectively.遠慮と我慢のレベルの設定じゃないかなと思ってるんだよね。何でもかんでもイラつくとかムカつくとかすぐぶつけるってのはナンセンスだと思うんだ。そこを一回我慢して、だけど全部我慢してたら、どこがその人が悪いのかってのが伝わっていかないから、伝えるべき所は伝える。遠慮だったり我慢だったりきちんと設定して。それぞれの距離感を図っていく事なんじゃないかな。
And another girl asked him his secret to be handsome, LOL He said something about he didn't go saying, "I'm kinda cool today," which brought laughter. The rest of his answer,
For example, if things like looking attractice and stylish were to be our job, but we do show sides of ourselves that aren't attractive or cool. Things that we suck at, etc. Embarrassing stories and stuff. I do think unconsciously displaying my ugly side is something, which is erm, needed, I guess.カッコよく見せたりとか、カッコつけたりするのが僕らの仕事だとすると、そうじゃない所も、僕ら結構見せてきてるっているか、ダメなとこだったりとか、恥ずかしい事ddだったりとか。それでも、自分のみっともないとこは思わずに、さらけ出していくっていう所も必要な事だと思います。
And Aiba, when asked by Sho-chan his reason to be always energetic and happy answered,
Rather than smiling because things are enjoyable, I always think that if you smile, there's something enjoyable waiting for you. If you always wear a smile, then something enjoyable will come your way.楽しいから笑うっていうよりも、僕は、笑ってれば楽しい事あるかなって考えます。
There. I have to say, I don't love Arashi for their music (I can seriously say they do suck sometimes), I don't love them because they're famous (hell yeah), but I love them because I can see their honesty, their effort, even through the screen.
*** I don't care if I sound like a stupid fangirl (I am a fangirl), because at least they cheered me up when I'm down. :)
*** Translations are not mine, I watch this with subs. Thank you!
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