
I honestly believed that I'm not as strong as my words to others; written or verbally. I like to at least appear as strong in front of others, because I know that asking random people to go out of their way to help me is a bit too much. I can't expect people to be there all the time, so I honestly think that it's okay for me to put up a strong facade.

Really, I can't solve a lot of problems at once. I can't give answers to every questions all at once. I can't. I have this little trick; trick that took me years to master. A trick that will make you stronger, more focused even when you are at your lowest point of your life.

Here's the metaphor. I have a lot of assignments. Every assignments, is placed in its respective drawer for each subject. When I have time, I took out one assignment at a time, and tried to finish it. When I can't, I'll put it back into the drawer, take another assignment, after making sure I've set a reminder for the half-finished assignment. I know I still have an assignment due, but since I don't have any ideas for it, I put it away for the time being and try to finish another.

The assignments are my problems, my struggles in life. The drawers are just imaginary storage in my brain.

Will you be able to finish all the assignments by putting all of them on the table?
Will you be able to understand the questions asked in the assignments when you have all of them in front of you?
Will you be able to concentrate on another assignment if you keep thinking about the unfinished ones?

Nope. That's how I get by everyday. And yes, I do get overwhelmed by life, I do cry everytime I'm down. Sometimes I think it's unnecessary for me to tell people about this, because they said: "I'm not you,"

Yeah, I've been born with this ability of thinking-how-to-sort-my-problems, just like how I'm born with two eyes, one nose and one mouth.

p/s People need to learn that we have powerful brain that can do wonders if you let it be.


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