
"Kitorang dah kena dulu, korang ni hadap jela,"
"Kitorang dulu lagi teruk, manja sangat semua nak complain,"

Imagine, saying this again after 30 years. Imagine, even after 30 years, nothing has changed. Imagine, after 30 years, you are not moving anywhere simply because you refuse to change the way it has always been.

Change is not scary. Change is not for the simple minded people. Change is not for the lazy ones, who preferred the way it was simply because it's better for them but not everyone. Change is not easy.

Changing mentality cannot be done by only one revolutionary individual. Changing mentality is teamwork, a team that is willing to work for the benefit of everyone, not just pampering selected individuals. Thinking that juniors should always do the little things to learn, and condemning them when they are not able to, after they are tired of it, are the reason why mentality cannot be changed. Seniors are superior than juniors.

Really? Experience should teach you that seniority only puts a barrier in which all professionalism is waived aside. All because "he's a senior, so he's allowed to do so at work," "you are new, they will talking,"

Nope. Nope. And nope. If it's wrong, then it is wrong. There is no right for wrongs done by someone who has experience. Someone with eight years of experience should know, what was wrong during their early years, is still wrong now after all those years of experience.

Good luck Malaysia Airlines. Good luck in changing the mentality of the people who think that new staff = hassle. Good luck working with less manpower and that additional "hassle" that you have to deal with. 😉


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