Dreams. Hope. Prayers. Visions.

Dreams. Hope. Prayers. Visions.

To me they are not just a string of beautiful words. Basically it's what my life is based on. I have lots of childish dreams, hoping it will become true one day, praying for it to be a reality, and visualizing what will happen when it does. Having seen lots of people with their childhood dreams become reality, really gives me a lot to think. They were raised in an environment which make them able to have dreams like that, and when they grew up, they simply had to make it a reality.
And I just simply had a simple, carefree childhood. Which made me able to be children fully. I wasn't living in a terrible life before but sometimes I regretted that I had that kind of childhood. My parents always said that even as a kid, I never had a child naivety. Weird, huh? I wasn't exposed with lots of things back then. As a kid, what else can I do?
As I grew up, I met lots of people. Not just the ones around my age, but others too. I have never come into a conclusion of what my life may be at the time, but I have lots of things I could see through other people; making me to analyse almost everything I stumble upon. There's no denying that I'm a very logic kind of person; I've been like that for as long as I can remember. Maybe that's why I don't have a kid's naivety.
Now I'm almost 19. I've always tell people that I wanted to be an astronomer, and I know lots on that topic. I went to college having Physics and of course, Mathematics as my main subject. When people asked me why I like it, I simply said that the sky is the most beautiful part of the world, and there's a lot out there waiting to be discovered. But I'm giving it up as a carier because I sucks in Maths. I hate Maths, haha...
I know my strength now. I'm good with languages. I can understand Malay, [since I'm speaking it], English because I'm online all the time and I know some people from all over the world. I know Japanese because I learnt it at school. Eventhough I'm not fluent with it, I'm planning of taking special class for it. In the future, I want to be able to understand French, Arabic and maybe Italian. But the real reason I can catch up to these languages is because I love to talk. Or should I say, I could never stop talking. Another thing I'm looking forward is learning how to play at least one musical instrument. It will be weird if talk to myself, isn't it? But people won't say anything if I'm singing for myself. [if my voice is good, that is]
I've been babbling for myself in this entry. I don't know what is wrong with me now. But I'm currently worrying about my future. People have been expecting so much from me; everyone wants to see me do extraordinary things. And when I failed at something I tend to become really depressed because people will be frustrated. My family, my friends, my teachers, everyone.
Damn it. I shouldn't be writing this kind of things. Or even thinking about it. Everything I've done is my own choice, everyone else has nothing to do with it. Now take a deep breath, pray to God, and you'll find your calling someday.私、がんばれ!


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