
It has been a long time since I last write an entry. I haven't been busy, that's why. Meaning I've got nothing to write, and I'm currently finishing a story.
Recently I went back to my mum's hometown. Nothing much had change. It's still the same quiet village I've always known. My aunts, uncles, cousins and grandma were exactly like I've always remember. Especially grandma; her favouritism towards her own children is sickening me. She would always talked about her youngest daughter; whom, to me is not the most decent person I've ever met. And I haven't seen her husband for years now. She got married when I was around six or seven and I moved far away. I've seen him a couple of times when we went back once a year to the village. But when he suddenly didn't appear again I asked my cousin about it and he mumbled something like my aunt and her husband were a good-for-nothing kind of person. I don't really understand why.
What kind of world am I living in?


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