
It's almost at the end of another phase in my life.

Three years. Three years have gone by so fast. Three years of ups and downs, laughter and tears, of hellos and goodbyes, of everything that I've learned; good and bad.

Friends and lecturers. Of those that have become like part of my family, of those that have turned from like a family to strangers. Of those that I never knew, of those that I never had a chance to get to know them better. I wish I can get more friends, more experience, more memories.

But like all good things, it has to come to an end.

In about a week, I will say goodbye to everything. Everything, the memories, the places, the people, even the cats (LOL). There's so much I've seen, heard, and feel these three years. 

Yes, goodbye. I hope we can see each other and relive the moments again, someday. Insya Allah. 

p/s: The end of diploma means the start of degree? So I'll be posting something like this in about another three years time. :)


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