Sayings and tellings.

I find getting to know people I've just met through another people to be interesting. I know everyone says not to listen to others, but I still ask around; as a precaution.

It's good to know something about that person, and that they didn't know that you knew. I know it sounds crazy, but usually that's how I get to know people better in a shorter time.

Most of the time, I don't really listen to what people has been warning, or telling me. For me, I know I'll have a different way of thinking, so why should my impression of someone be the same as others? Let me learn the truth; my way.

Sometimes people are too quick to judge. It could be one mistake, and that person is forever guilty. I learnt the hard way not to expect perfection, and that's how I try to get friends.

It's really fine with me if you're not as good as what others have been telling me. Everyone makes mistakes, and me included.

p/s: Even if this is a mistake, I hope it's not something I'll regret.


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