Feeling overwhelmed with all the thoughts inside my head. Yes, it's all inside my head. As always, I'm usually fine with the amount of work being shoved into my face. I know my limits, I know to what extend I can juggle assignments, classes, work and play. It may not be the most agreeable to most, but it's the way I get things done.
Definitely not helping; especially when I'm losing the will to continue my study here. Not that I'm tired of studying, I still have a passion in going to class, getting my assignments done, stuff like that. I'm starting to hate the environment here. Saying this, a lot of people will say I'm ungrateful; but it's the truth. And if you have taken the liberty to read my older posts, sugarcoating the truth is not something I'm very fond of.
I don't know if it's the environment, or it's because of what has been happening this semester. I'm trying my best not to put the blame on anyone but me. But after talking to another classmate, I don't know whether I should start to put the blame on someone else or not.
Well, you can say whatever you want, but seeing my result on similar subject last semester and comparing it to this semester, I believe I have the right to correct the wrong; to fight for the truth, and for what is rightfully mine. (In this case, to not be judged based on who I am, but instead what I've done).
p/s Have you ever feel so down over something that you did with passion?
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