
Having ideals are exactly like having dreams. They are not real; not yet anyway.

Ideal here means that there is world peace. There is no military dispute, no killing, no crimes. A peaceful world. No fights, no petty squabbles over something so trivial. None of that bullshit. 

But no, this is real world. Welcome to the real life. Where everything that I have mentioned above, is happening. All around us. Some even go unpunished. Most of it, really. 

Perhaps, if there is world peace, then things will be easier. Maybe there will be no upturned faces, sarcastic remarks, and hikikomori people. People who spend hours online, only to read blogs (ehem,) and taking everything to their heart, spilling it for strangers to see. What I'm saying is, people seems to find inner peace with online provocation. I really, really don't get it. Sure, we condemn people, we argue with them all the time, but to get worked up over something trivial with a complete, total stranger?

What, you think you're gaining something in life by arguing pointlessly, emotionally online?
You think you can be the better person by pointing out other's mistakes?
You think you can have a shot to a better world by saying everything that comes out of others is wrong?

Let's agree to disagree, shall we?

p/s Penat aku tengok orang asyik gaduh pasal boikot ni. Boikot tu macam Cold War, bukannya pergi bawa senapang semua tembak orang ye. Sampai krew nak pergi kerja pun dah takut. Have a heart la people.


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