
(I haven't written anything serious or with purpose for quite some time. But recently I signed up to be a freelance writer, and we'll see if I can get my head on the right track of writing again.)

Why do we always look for perfection? Every living being is created as perfect by God, but we ourselves aren't perfect.

We are humans, ruled by emotions. We may have stop and think to justify our emotions, but infinitely we will have a decision that is emotion-based. Which is not perfect.

We are always trying to please someone with whatever we do. Be it someone dear, someone influential, or even ourselves, we give our best because it involves emotion. We are always influenced by our emotions, that it is inhuman for someone to be emotionless. That emotions made us human, it is part of us. 

But isn't it funny, when we asked someone what we do wrong because we wanted to rectify it, most people will say nothing. You are fine just the way you are. You haven't done anything wrong. 

Lies. Lies. Lies.

We say otherwise because we wanted to be nice. We refused to hurt others by being truthful. We are influenced by the emotions that we have. We refused to confront the emotions, by letting the emotions to consume us. We lied, because we don't want complications. We lied so as we don't have to deal with someone else's emotion, but we let the emotion to overrule ourselves. We are controlled by the emotions, when instead we should tackle the emotion and not keep it to ourselves to dwell with it. 

Let your feelings be known. Pour out your emotions. Tell others what are your expectations. It is okay to demand, it is okay to ask. Take this as a favour to yourself, and to others as well. It's okay to do this, but there's a catch; you can never expect the other party to entirely live up to your expectation, because we are not perfect, remember?

p/s This entire post is meant for you (but I know you won't read this, because nobody reads this blog anymore LOL), because I know exactly what your answer will be, and how I will react. Plus I don't even know how to confront you and say all the things I wanted to say. I don't know how to make sure that whatever I wanted to say will get across, I don't know if I say this once, you won't do the same ever again. I don't know if I can stay calm and try to get my point in the most appropriate manner. I don't know if my guesses are correct, or if it will turn completely into something that is beyond what I can imagine.


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