
Criticism. To some, it spells hatred. Enemy. To me? The truth, layered with uncivilised tongue talk. Most people are too furious upon listening this, that they didn't stop and try to ponder the words hidden behind the criticism thrown. That they didn't realise, the reason criticism existed is because there is flaw in ourselves. Okay, I'm not trying to be modest by saying that I think about this when I'm mad, but at least when I calmed myself, I can think of pretty much everything; including the impossible stuff. It's amazing, if you manage to rid yourself of early accusations, and let your brain to think carefully and rightfully. The world seems to be a lot brighter, too.

But there are times, criticisms shouldn't be taken for granted. In time where the person who is criticising you is angry, or frustrated with you, most of the words that they speak are often exaggerated. Which means, they don't really mean it, OR they've been keeping it from you all of this time. In this situation, it will be best to remain calm, (even though it will be very hard) and try to process what the person is saying. You should also avoid keeping a straight face, as this will invite more criticism, even insults. Finding a right expression maybe a pain, but if you're able to judge the situation, things won't be too hard.

Then there are times, when you yourself need to make complaints about others. How would you do it? Do you tell the person about it straight to their face? Without assessing the surroundings? Do you just shout out the truth to them, like an escaped bull attacking everyone in vicinity? Or do you, keep quite about it? Not saying a word about it to the person yet you spread the gossip behind them?
I can sometimes, be a coward and do the last thing. Despite that, my ideal way of doing it is by having private conversation with the person. A conversation, not a heated discussion. Because if you let your emotions to control you, I will be sure beyond doubt that the person won't listen to a word you're saying. But if you're calm, and talking about it diplomatically, there's almost a chance that the person will not only listen to you, they will also reflect against their actions that have caused you the need to call them in private.

Like I often mention, everything in life that ever existed doesn't mean that they are totally bad, or totally good either. God has been Great, so He made sure that we have everything in moderation. And of course, criticism is just one of those things. But how much good or bad is it, is up for you to decide ^^


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