At 22, I still don't have a clear view of what I wanted to do.
At 22, I'm still clinging on the old dream that I'm not sure of.
At 22, people still treated me like I'm 12, trying to choose which school I should go.
At 22, I've made a few life changing decisions.
At 22, I've hidden more secrets than a regular person with regular problems does.
At 22, well, let's just say life is still going on.

I'm not saying I don't have plans for the future. I'm not saying that I don't want to work and just want to laze around, doing nothing. It's just that, the transition is too abrupt. And I'm still adjusting to the change. As much as I said I'm okay with everything, I'm still scared. Thus, all that little things that I'm okay can ticked me more than it should. 

Dad has understand that. I just need the world to be like him next.


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