Hopes and dreams

In terms of hopes and dreams (which is something I posted a lot here,) I don't think if I ever mention exactly what I want in life. I've always said; in future, in past, in present. But never a specific time, never a specific moment. That, plus I love cryptic writing where I can put out the truth on the internet for everyone to read while spinning words that's enough to make even a bookworm wanting to throw up, I've always believed that telling people what you want, what you dreamed of, will make the dreams flew away from your reach. Maybe it's just me, but that's what I believe, ever since I was eight. (Maybe earlier, but I have no recollection on this particular subject before I was eight)

In all that dreams, I've never had to put people as a factor that will change whether I will reach it or not. In my imagination, dream is something private, something that you don't share with people. Something that you have to accomplish yourself, something sacred, even. 

Ops, I getting further away from track. (That's what you get when your writing sessions keep getting interrupted by workstuff...)

Anyway, when I was eight, I was aspired to be a scientist. I haven't even learn Science subject yet, but I've taken a great liking to science, in general. When I was 12, I realised I like looking at the night sky, at on that year, there was a solar eclipse. Which is something that intrigued me, which is also the start of my dreams of being an astronomer.

That was the summary of it, of what I want to be when I was a kid. I still joked about it sometimes, but the truth that I really like science (let's say Physics and Chemistry to narrow it down,) and the fact astronomy has been the most fascinating field of science (to me,) has never died. There's still somewhere, in me, who is still holding on to that ridiculous dream. 

Why ridiculous? I didn't continue my study in astronomy, or Physics even. I've strayed far away, (and the story is for another time,) and while I remember I used to say I want to be an astronomer who knows how to communicate her findings to the public, I want to be able to do both writing and scientific research without separating those two away. 

Scientists, back then, used to be unable to communicate to the public. They have great findings, but they kept quiet because they know people are calling them crazy already. But hey, that's science. There are lots of crazy things out there, crazy things in which that can be proved scientifically, proofs that the scientists today can just shove straight to your nose.

It's getting complicated, and it's getting long winded. But you see that I didn't mention any names or any people significant to me (family, friends...) They really are there, but I just want them to watch. To stay supporting me, and if they're always there, when I'm at the top then they'll be just right behind me. I don't have to say it out loud, they will be there, and people will know.

Now, what is dreams, you ask? I won't say, not now. I'll give you a hint: You'll be up there, together with me, as long as you didn't leave, all the times when I'm climbing up the stairs. :)


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