
Today is 31st, right? *checks calendar* For the past years, I've been content with posting Happy New Year with the same photo (which was stolen, actually). But maybe this year should be a little different, especially when there's a lot of endings and discoveries (literally), this year. January-June: Seriously, I've totally have no recollection on what has happened. But like how I posted a single wish every year, it could be because there was no closure. End of year or not, I still have another semester to go. And another, and another.... July: I think this was when I first stepped foot outside of Malaysia. And it wasn't even with my family, it was with my awesome friends :D Being dramatic, I actually only went to Singapore for a day-trip to Universal Studio Singapore. It was the most tiring day of my life ever, but that was when I had the most fun with friends. I think everyone's here, whether you can see them clearly or not LOL Proof...