
I love them because they have the most honest lyrics ever (to me anyway). And I don't really have lots of love songs nor listen to RnB, raps and such, but usually I can listen to them. They don't have the prettiest voice, or the best music, but to me the lyrics are the one that counts. 

And they're disbanding next year... The DJ is going to be the chief priest (his home is a temple). No more bittersweet lyrics :(

Tears of gratitude are overflowing in my heart now
I want to protect you forever, forever
Cherry blossoms fall, they fall on us as we feel brand new
Let’s walk hand in hand forever, forever
Until the end of time…

I’ll speak from my heart now and tell you how I truly feel for the first time
I have these emotions, without any lies, only for you
It was so hard for me but I never showed it to anyone else
With you, I felt like I could shed all the tears I kept deep in my heart
From here on out, this path we’re walking on together
Will be full of happiness, sadness and many other things
But you’re not alone anymore because I’ll protect you forever
You gave me all this strength that I have now

How many times have we watched these cherry blossoms?
I want to see them again next year and the year after that
I want to see the future we’ve been building up together all this time
The spring wind blew gently and softly caressed your hair
Your smile is precious to me, I want you by my side forever
At first I only had my own dreams, but now I share yours
So my dream now is to protect you until yours come true
I’m sure we’ll fight sometimes, but we’ll make it through each one
Just making you happy is everything to me

As the days roll by me it feels like I’ll lose sight of them
But when I look at you a smile suddenly appears on my face
I’ll never forget that small joy

We met, we laughed, and inside our clasped hands
We softly, softly warmed our love
After winter, we started walking together on this path
Where the cherry blossoms fall forever, forever

Tears of gratitude are overflowing in my heart now
I want to protect you forever, forever
Cherry blossoms fall, they fall as we feel brand new
Let’s walk hand in hand forever, forever
Until the end of time…

p/s And I love Kokuhaku's PV. It's kind of cute, in a bittersweet way. Although I still have Ikimonogakari for bittersweet lyrics, but Kiyoe-chan is a girl. I need some variety. Maybe I should hunt Greeen discography after this.


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