
Today is 31st, right? *checks calendar*

For the past years, I've been content with posting Happy New Year with the same photo (which was stolen, actually). But maybe this year should be a little different, especially when there's a lot of endings and discoveries (literally), this year.

Seriously, I've totally have no recollection on what has happened. But like how I posted a single wish every year, it could be because there was no closure. End of year or not, I still have another semester to go. And another, and another....

I think this was when I first stepped foot outside of Malaysia. And it wasn't even with my family, it was with my awesome friends :D
Being dramatic, I actually only went to Singapore for a day-trip to Universal Studio Singapore. It was the most tiring day of my life ever, but that was when I had the most fun with friends. 

I think everyone's here, whether you can see them clearly or not LOL
Proof! LOL

Other than that, I started working as a kindergarten teacher. It was pretty cool, the kids were amazing. I've never really had a chance to take care of children before, but I wasn't completely devoid of any reaction when I see them running up at me and smiling. The morning I greeted the kids, and the afternoon I give them lunch and then told them to go to sleep.

Her face reminds me off a child actress, Japanese :D

A kid from my class

This kid can never sit still

A kid from my class

A kid from my class

This kid is ALWAYS crying, and she's only 2, or 3. But in the end she always smile, and she got a pretty face :)

Not from my class, but this kid is very cheeky LOL

Look at how excited he is LOL
Was a blur of activity, until our event.

Event! Super awful lot of things happened, and most of them are very stressful. Whatever has happened because of that, I still got an A for that subject :D
You. :)

Finals. Goodbyes, lots of tears with lots of uncertainties. And that two weeks doing nothing at home. LOL

Work. Pretty awesome colleagues and superior. Goes on until the end of December.

But the best thing is, I get to know my friends better. I can get them separated, without going overboard. And I learned a lot, especially about being friends with girl :p

The other best thing? It's you. :)

And with that,


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