
Have your friends or family come to you for advice? Saying that they're torn between two choices? 

Let's say that the two choices are "yes" or "no". You're confused, you don't know which one is the better choice, because you think that both yes and no are good choices. So you turn to someone, to ask for their opinion.

If you come to me, I will mostly say either yes or no, firmly. Let's say I'd go with yes. I will tell all sorts of advantages that a yes has to offer. Although, all the positive comments will be stopped with a "but".

Yes has this-and-that advantages. But, that's for my situation, from my position, I can say that. And no has here-and-there disadvantages. But, for you it's a different matter. That disadvantages may be something with a profit for you. Well, honestly. If you come and ask me which is better I'll say yes. But to you, for your position would you say yes is the better choice entirely?
Confusing, I know. I do that a lot. But what I'm saying is, if you're torn in between choices, list up the advantages and disadvantages to both choices. Mark only those that are really significant to you, change the advantages « disadvantages according to your position, according to your need and want in life.

Because, those advantages and disadvantages differ according to people's lifestyle, according people's needs, wants and position in life. 

And you wonder why I don't talk about making choices to my friends or family. And I wonder why sometimes it is hard for me to choose between two choices myself.


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