

I'm blessed with great instincts. Too great, that sometimes it affected my life in advance. And by advance, I mean, two-three weeks notice.

For some reason, I dreaded going back to this place. Even though it means that I get to go home (I honestly have lost track of where is home exactly) I still dreaded the flight.

The airport was a mess, I had a headache that was gone only last night. Plus there's this one guy, who took all my patience not to swing a kick right into his gut. The journey was terrible due to turbulence (I'm not blaming anyone here) and for the first time ever, I can't sleep during a flight.
Which is weird, I usually will fall asleep as soon as the flight takes off, all the time. Plus I was unlucky enough to have met a rude flight attendant, who took the rest of my patience level down to the bare minimum.

Landed, wait forever for the luggage to arrive, got harassed (bothered) again by a random stranger, went for dinner (finally had gyoza, been craving for it. YAY!) and home. Talk a bit with my brothers, although talking will be understatement. And I compared my height next to my 13-year-old brother. He's taller than me now, yup. It's actually not weird for me to be compared with kids his age. (I'm freaking 22, turning 23 in 2013, thank you very much.)

And oh yeah, the next day, work day. Spend some time in the office, and had a pre-launch event/ dinner at night. Troubles here and there, which is something that I expected, but I didn't expect to be scolded by a senior here. 

It wasn't even my fault. And telling me won't solve anything. I was mad, I was furious. But apparently, I still have extra patience stashed away somewhere. So yeah, I just smiled, and say nothing. (Can't say anything, honestly.)

I know exactly what has happened, and I'm turning a blind eye. I don't want to get involve any further, and I don't want to create a mess. I'm fine with people thinking I'm way too young to be here (that could be due to my look), I'm fine with people thinking that I can't do anything. I'm fine with being underestimated. It's okay, I don't give a damn about it anymore.

And yeah, all that ramblings about being down and everything, I seriously have no idea why. It's pretty weird, but I usually will have that crazy moodswings before something bad happened. 


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