
Hello, old friend.

How are you doing? Is your life still the same when I last saw you? Have you found the reason to keep living the life you had before? Or you haven't, and are still doing the things that you used to do? Have you reached the dreams that we once shared?

I'm sorry for disappearing from you like that. I'm sorry that I didn't say goodbye properly. I'm sorry I didn't tell you my decision to go away. I'm sorry that the dreams that we shared is now not something that I wanted to do anymore. We were both young, both with crazy ideas and with no clue whatsoever of the real life ahead. 

We did many crazy stuff together, didn't we? Sometimes I looked back and reminisce the past, and think about how I missed them. How I missed hanging out with you, how I missed the times when we talked about our problems and cursing the people who gave us trouble, how I missed the moments when we shared our true feelings, or just when you sat next to me watching the stars that I love so much.

It's funny, wasn't it? We were friends, and it never go beyond that. We spent lots of time together, we understand each other, we scolded and fight each other too. Maybe I think of you as the brother I'd never had, and you, me as the sister you always wanted. Honestly, I kinda glad when that's all we are. :)

Oh yeah, I'm fine now. I'm still studying, and is now clear of what I wanted to do in the future. Some people tell me I'm being unrealistic, but at least I know what and how I'm doing. I'm no longer the person that you used to hang out with, I've change. 

But there are some who said I haven't change. Well, the times spend with you ought to give me a different personality than a regular girl, right? But I no longer do the things that we did, say the things that we did; I've change, simply.

And you know what, I've got girlfriends. Best girlfriends ever. And they're teaching me a lot. Like how I should act more like a girl, like how I should dress and talk like a girl. I still can't help it when I'm with guys, because I'm used to it, but I've learnt that being with girls is different and it needs delicacy. I've learnt that from them, I'm learning to balance it between guys and girls; and even trying to put girls on my side more often.

I haven't forgot all the mistakes I've did before, I haven't forgot you. I still felt guilty over some things that we've done, I still feel like I should make amends over the things so I will be to go away in peace, one day. 

No matter where you are, what you're doing, please remember what you've once told me; that people change. 

So can you, old friend. :)


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