Mum and Dad

I think I'm jealous of other kids, even my own brothers and sisters sometimes. 

Remember when you were a kid, your parents were always nagging about your homework? You parents will asked you what you have learnt, and that you should go study or read your books? Well, I have never been asked.

Say hello to my world. When I was a kid, I always wonder if my parents really love me. I wonder if I'm really their daughter, I wonder if I'm the unwanted child. I wonder if I run away, would they be looking for me. (A child's mind can be extra imaginative sometimes, and mine was... well, as you can read.)

But I spend a lot of time with dad, although almost everything that I can remember about mum when I was a kid was that she kept scolding (and hitting me) me because I was a naughty kid. I remember that she was the strict parent, while my dad spoiled me as much as he can :) I was really scared of mum, I kept everything away from her. I remember once when mum told dad to scold me, he shouted at me but kept winking and smiling. I have to cover my mouth to stop myself from cracking with laughter. In my child's mind, dad was the good parent, mum was like my stepmother in Cinderella.


I rarely get into fight with mum. Sometimes she will gossiped about her colleagues with me, sometimes she will tell me about my sisters and brothers, complaining about them being in their rebellious age or something. Sometimes we talked about shopping for clothes (but I'm not that fond of them). Sometimes I call my mum to ask the happenings at home, and she will tell me things that I didn't ask as well.

I get into silly squabbles with dad almost everytime. About money, about opinions, about his and mine life. We are similar in the sense of being stubborn, but our opinions and way of thinking didn't match at all. I can't guess what's on his head, for one thing. I remember when I first started to live in the hostel when I was 13, he will call me sometimes, out of the blue just to ask me about my daily life. 

I treasured the time talking with mum as much as I miss the random phone calls from dad. After that one big mistake that dad stopped talking to me for a month, he stopped the random calls, making me feel that I've gone too far away from his side. He was disappointed, I know. I know he was frustrated. I'm sorry, dad.

I started thinking that all the thoughts that I have when I was a kid as nonsense soon after I live in the hostel. I now know that, my parents love me; and so do I.



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