
Is now officially 23 years old. God, I feel old.

23 is nothing, I know. But somehow, I've always feel like I'm at least three years older than my current age. At least. At the moment, my head is so messed up that I feel like 30.

A lot of ups and downs throughout the 23 years. And dad was helping me to remember where I came from by telling stories on the day I was born. I wasn't the first child my mum was pregnant with, I'm the first child that made it alive and well. (Yes, mum had a miscarriage before she was pregnant with me.) So instead of me looking back to my life, it was dad who was reminiscing the old days (the younger days, my sister said). 

Honestly, I really didn't do anything yesterday. The rest of the day was like any other normal weekend, and I spent a minutes looking for my phone because I forgot the date yesterday. And that was after I have friends wishing me happy birthday. See how I can say I feel old?

Anyway, that's that. And it could be because I was so stressed out last week, I forget everything that I should be remembering. Yeah, sometimes being me sucks. But then again, I enjoyed being myself too much that I still don't want to throw myself away; the good parts and the bad parts.

p/s Speaking of throwing myself away, I think I can figure that conflict within myself, about who I really am. But that is for another day and post. :)


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